A great way to start tackling your biggest issues in singing is to come to one of my 'Troubleshoot Your Singing Voice' sessions.
In this meeting, we'll look at what your top trouble is with your voice - in this case maybe breathing - and I'll give you one of the most valuable and accessible tools to tackle it, so you can start making a difference.
To get beyond just the one problem, we'll unearth your main goals for your singing too.
Then I'll listen to you singing and assess and give you feedback on your vocal strengths and weaknesses. This way you will clearly recognise what talents you have to be proud of, and understand what areas need improving.
From that basis of clarity and honesty we can draw up a 'blueprint' for getting you to where you want to be!
Wherever you are on your journey with your singing, I can help you get to the next level. I have over 6 years experience in coaching singers, mainly in the bracket of keen hobby singer /aspiring performer /semi-professional vocalist.
I have helped many, to finally get their breathing right, which is almost always a huge relief for them after years of ineffective or confusing guidance on breathing for singing.
My clients have achieved their singing goals in other areas of their voices too such as range, resonance, tone, power, - largely by applying my uniquely powerful process, called Vocal Synergy. This could make all the difference to you too.
I would love to help you unlock your vocal talent so you can become a truly confident singer or performer and make an impact with your singing.
I will also share with you, during our session, the 'secret sauce' that all singers need!
To take up this superb opportunity, please answer the questions below and send off the form.
(ALTERNATIVELY, if you just want to ask a question, have a chat with me or book a singing lesson, please give me a call on 01803-365005, the lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm)
I have a limited number of spaces each month on the Troubleshoot Your Singing Voice free session, and I encourage you to apply for one of them.
If I’m able to offer you one, then we'll arrange to meet up either in person, or via Skype, for up to an hour.
I can't wait to meet you!
(All information that you provide will be kept strictly confidential)