What is weak singing?
I'm writing today to explore with you the idea of 'strength' in singing. I hear a lot of people say they would like to strengthen their singing, but what does that really mean?
Actually it can mean quite a range of different things and its down to you, which is most relevant to your pattern.
So let's see, the need to strengthen your singing could mean...
Your voice sounds too quiet or soft, and you don't know how, or don't have the courage to sing louder;
You're 'throwing away your words', meaning you start each phrase off singing with plenty of energy but you allow it to dwindle or collapse in volume, clarity or focus by the end.
Your voice is too breathy...this means it will never carry, and you run out of breath too soon;
You lack confidence and so don't project your voice;
Your voice is dull or weak because you don't know how to make the most of your natural resonance.
Do any of those ring a bell with you?
I'd love to help you tackle any and all of these weaknesses, so that your singing voice sounds rich, bright, powerful, clear and strong.
So here's a quick tip on each of these issues:
Referring to the list above...
1. The Oy
If your voice is too quiet and you don't know how to sing louder, try this:
Find somewhere no-one can hear you.
Sing a note really quietly. Then shout an indignant and authoritative 'Oy!' as if you were telling a thief to get off your bag. Then shout again but make it longer. Draw out the Oy so it becomes a long tone. There you are. This is loud singing! Now sing a tone in a very gradual gradient from quiet to loud and back again. Continue doing this until you have total control of your volume. Now you have mastered it!
2. Use Flair
If you're 'throwing away' your words or letting your phrases to dwindle, (which is very common ...You'll need to investigate yourself to find this out) ... So sing a song and listen closely to the way you sing it. Notice if, as the phrase progresses, you are getting quieter, or less clear, or dropping energy.
The antidote to this is to imagine that every phrase is like the finale in a broadway musical. Give it some oomph! Stretch out your arms as if you are really giving this song to your audience with confidence and stardom! It might feel silly but it's very effective!
This method is an exaggeration of whats needed but once you've taken it 'over the top' in that direction, you'll be able to find the middle place where you sing every phrase and verse with a good level of strength right through.
3. Bouncy B
If your voice is too breathy... This means that with every tone you sing, it is not 100% clear and focussed, but breath is escaping alongside the tone. This has quite a sexy or soft and vulnerable sound, which you might choose to use some of the time, but you don't want to be stuck in a rut there.
So try this exercise: sing Bu-Bu-Bu, Bu-Bu-Bu, Bu-Bu-Bu on different notes, then Boooooooooooooooo. Check that your tummy is working to produce this sound. (It should be.) Notice if your tone is getting more focussed.
This is an extremely widespread problem and some people are able to get out of it quickly but others take longer and need more support to change their habit.
4. Confidence Boost
If you lack confidence, then read my other blog post, '3 steps to ramp up your confidence in singing'
5. The Wow
Lastly, the majority of amateur singers and many professionals too, are not making the most of their incredible natural resonators which we all carry around with us. So if your voice sounds dull or weak this could be the reason.
To open up your resonators, switch on a sense of wonder or surprise while you say a big 'WOW!'. Feel the space opening up inside your mouth and throat. Use this spaciousness while you are singing and your voice will sound stronger, fuller and brighter!
Further Help
I hope you find these tips helpful! When you can sing with strength and confidence, you feel empowered and self-expressed and that is a fantastic feeling.
So enjoy playing with these exercises, and if you need any extra help, I'd be delighted to see you. Just Book A Session with me and we'll get you on track to a stronger voice!