Hi there my friend,
Your passion for singing is wonderful and powerful. It’s what lights you up, it’s what fulfils you, it’s what brings you joy. It’s the electricity of your self-expression. But is it enough on its own?
Is it enough to make you a great singer?
Is it enough to get you singing and performing in the places you want to?
I believe not.
To truly flourish as a singer –
To feel the joy;
To find the full beauty of your voice;
To deliver songs with panache;
To captivate an audience;
To keep moving towards your goals with energy, delight and momentum;
To BE a singer that shares your gift for the benefit of your communities, fans, friends and followers;
You need a formula of vital elements which tie together, and work synergistically to build up your success. (Of which passion is one)
I’ve identified a series of steps that I call the Flourishing Formula, which dozens of my 1-1 students have used to achieve their singing goals. It’s really simple and anyone could have thought of it or maybe has. But it's a valuable tool. And up to now I’ve only shared this vision with my private coaching clients.
But today…
because I want to inspire and motivate you…
and give you a tool for growth...
… today I’m sharing that formula with you. It gives you a kind of map of what’s needed to truly flourish as a singer. So you can see whether you’ve already got all the elements in place, or whether some are missing or need nurturing.
It’s made of a spiral, with each step based on one of the 5 elements that you may know and love:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.
Each gives rise to, and fuels the next element in the spiral, but they are also woven in a web of interconnection.
These elements are quite likely to be things you have already experienced or tapped into naturally and spontaneously to some extent.
- You may never have seen them connected in this particular sequence before, which is quite a revelation;
- AND I have special ways that you can super-charge each one of them to get much faster and more fulfilling acceleration towards your singing goals.
So… are you ready to hear it and see it?
Right then, here is an outline of each element in the spiral:
What comes first is Inspiration. This is made of the element of Spirit. What or who inspires you to sing and to be a singer?
If you haven’t already tapped fully into this, I encourage you to think of which singers, singing groups, or singing mentors bring you huge inspiration. Make it more conscious than before. Thank them. (even if just mentally). Let this spark you even more than it has in the past.
What comes second is Vision.This is made of the element of Air. When you feel inspired in your singing, what’s your vision? Your goals, your aims, your hopes and ambitions?
Clarify these, draw them or make a collage and let them propel you forward.
What comes third is Passion.Yup, that’s right, you got it. Passion is made of the element of fire. It’s the heat in your soul, the electricity of your self-expression, the energy and joy of your singing.
When you’ve identified your vision, it calls forth your passion. Your passion is what fulfils you in each moment of your singing, and it also gives you the fuel to keep at it.
What comes fourth is Dedication.This is made of the element of Earth. You’ve got a vision and you’re passionate about manifesting it. But to do that you need to take action, the right kinds of action, on a regular basis.
Taking action and making things happen is earthy, physical, worldly. You need dedication, devotion, commitment to follow through.
Your passion fuels you and your dedication sustains you. In this element it’s helpful to think of singing as your art and your craft. To be proud of deliberately growing your skills and talents. And there are untold rewards in that process, aswell as in the outcomes.
What comes fifth is Support. This is made of the element of Water. Water nurtures Earth like rain falling on the land. It brings it nourishment, fertility, and abundance.
You’ve got inspiration, vision, passion and dedication. You’re working at your goals, you’re loving your path, you’re buzzing in your singing.
But in the long term you can’t do it alone. You need support, nourishment, irrigation, so you don’t run dry or burn out. So you can continue to be artistic and creative and give your gifts from a place of abundance and flow.
Once you have all these elements in place you can go to the next level of the spiral web and flourish as a singer. You literally flower, bloom and blossom. I created this graphic to illustrate it for you.
(How to strengthen, and really optimise each element is something I teach in my courses. The way I do this might surprise you)
So, now you know the 5 elements of the formula, how do you see your situation? Have you got everything in place?
I always aim to be bringing you something that nourishes, sparks or develops some area of this spiral web.
And I can help you especially with the element of support.
Support FOR your vision and goals, support for your action-taking.
The support OF encouragement, guidance, inspiration.
I'm dedicated to helping you find your true voice, and your power and gifts as a singer.
And so I’m planning a new practical offering to support you in that. It’s a one-off, FREE live online workshop, called ‘5 Essential Tools for Powerful Singing’.
I’ve led this 6 times as an in-person workshop, in my local town. It was very well attended and people loved it!
Now, because of the current situation and also my desire to reach people more widely, I’m offering it online. Exciting!
Check it out and register for your place HERE.
And here's to you flourishing as a singer! 🥂 😀 🎵