This workshop will help you to become a stronger and more confident singer, become a greater asset to your choir, singing group or band, and help you reclaim singing as an expressive path in your life. That's such a buzz!
What will the workshop be like?
We'll be creating a fun and energising experience, incorporating movement, vocal exercises, group work, pair work, some individual feedback, time for questions, and group harmony singing! It'll be relaxed and unpressured too. I'm sure you'll love it.
When and Where is it?
It's at the Masonic Hall, Totnes, on Sunday 10th November 2019, from 7 to 8.45pm.
Who is it for?
This workshop is for singers of most levels. It's for you if you have some experience of singing, whether you're a novice, hobby, amateur, or semi-professional singer; and you're keen to improve your voice. You can really shine singing!
How much is it? The standard price for this workshop is £10 but if you register for a discount code, you will be entitled to attend for only £6.50 in advance or £7.50 on the door. Choose which option you prefer and use the buttons below.
So if you know that accessing the skills to be a strong singer is just the ticket for you right now, then grab your place on the workshop before it fills up! This invaluable training won't run again for at least 3 months.
Use the button below to book your ticket to the workshop.
I look forward to meeting you!